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Steel Caboose Book Want List

As of February 17, 2024

The Soo Line Historical and Technical Society is in the process of publishing two books on cabooses.

The first is on the road’s 145 Wide Vision Steel Cabooses built by International Car Company between 1966 and 1973.  Former MN&S and Former Milwaukee Road cars are not included.

Rebuilt wood car 278 is also not included.

We are gathering information and photos of these cars.  Check back often as the needs will be updated.

Here is the current want list:

  1. Stories from railroaders that worked on (mechanical department craft or management) or crews using these cars.  This could include quirks, preferred cars, steel vs. wood, assignments or anything you think might be interesting.
  2. First hand stories of riding them in passenger service on trains 911/912 between Neenah and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
  3. Current location of any cars. Many of these cars have been sold into private ownership but often through dealers.  The SLHTS archives have little information on this especially since this is still on-going.
  4. We have many photos of these cars in the archives but are always looking to improve the quality.
  5. We are looking for nice and clean roster shots of these cars. They can be on a train.   We prefer sharp clean cars without excessive rust or graffiti. 
  6. We have all the photos of #1 in Duluth we need.  Pre-museum images are appreciated, however.
  7. Interior photos
  8. Nice scenic action shots of all cars (including #1)
  9. Photos of cars in the process of being serviced.
  10. Photos of them on 911/912 in passenger service.
  11. We are a non-profit organization and unfortunately cannot provide compensation for the use of the material.


Mike Polsgrove, SLHTS webmaster