Click on a link below to send an email. Postal address is listed below the name. Postal address of the SLHTS is:Soo Line Historical and Technical Society 2124 N. Locust St. Appleton, WI 54914 President: David Leider Vice-President: Joe Lallensack Secretary: Mike Grosko Treasurer: David Junkhan Membership: Fred Firkus Special Projects: Ken Soroos CHANGE OF ADDRESS Archives: Emory Luebke 2124 N. Locust St. Appleton, WI 54914 920-749-1540 Webmaster: Mike Polsgrove the SOO Staff Editor: Mark Preussler Associate Editor: Ken Soroos Associate Editor: David Leider News Editor: Galen Fromm Modeling Editor: Chuck Derus Commercial Accounts: Charles Nelson Advertising: Burnell Breaker Back Issues: Roger Wurtzel